ASF Integrity Policy
Within the framework of the Institutional Training Program (PIC), U-INTOSAI welcomes the non-face-to-face activity called: ASF Integrity Policy. The purpose of this course is for staff to become familiar with the ASF Codes of Ethics and Conduct of the ASF Integrity Committee (CIASF).
The learning strategy that we will develop requires the study of five topics in the five-part format and the accreditation of their respective review questions that are programmed in the virtual campus.
More details are available at the official page of the U-INTOSAI -
The language of the seminar is Spanish.
The learning strategy that we will develop requires the study of five topics in the five-part format and the accreditation of their respective review questions that are programmed in the virtual campus.
More details are available at the official page of the U-INTOSAI -
The language of the seminar is Spanish.