N.ET establishes cooperation with NCPA
In March 2022 the initial meeting was held between the representatives of the Network of Corruption Prevention Authorities (NCPA) and the EUROSAI Network for Ethics (N.ET)
Possibilities of cooperation are recognised in exchange of information on papers, events, platforms, projects, initiatives, instruments or tools, experiences and good practice related to ethics and ethics related areas, which are in line with the networks’ purpose and goals and deemed to be interesting to wider public sector audience.
The NCPA will be included in the N.ET’s Membership list, as affiliated member and supporter of the N.ET.
![N.ET establishes cooperation with NCPA](https://www.revizija.hr/UserDocsImages//EUROSAI REVIZIJA/SLIKE/NCPA.jpg?preset=DesnaSlikaUTekstu)