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Bilateral meeting with the President of the Senate of the State Audit Institution of Montenegro

At the invitation of Ivan Klešić, Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia, on March 31 and April 1, 2022, Milan Dabović, President of the Senate of the State Audit Institution of the Republic of Montenegro, accompanied by Branislav Radulović, Senate member, Dobrila Glomazić, Secretary of the Institution and Blažo Savković, Head of the Performance Audit Department.
Participants of the bilateral meeting discussed the work and results of the two institutions and the development of methodology, exchanged experiences in developing a system for monitoring the implementation of audit recommendations, and agreed on modalities of cooperation between the supreme audit institutions of Croatia and Montenegro in the future.
Within the bilateral meeting, the President of the Senate of the State Audit Institution of the Republic of Montenegro and his associates visited the Karlovac Regional Office, where they got acquainted with the organizational system of the State Audit Office of the Republic of Croatia, and the role, functioning and results of regional offices.
Bilateral meeting with the President of the Senate of the State Audit Institution of Montenegro

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