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Participating at Young EUROSAI (YES) Congress, Stockholm

Representatives of the State Audit Office participated from September 12 to September 15, 2022 at the Young EUROSAI (YES) Congress, held in Stockholm, Sweden. Along with the hosts from the Swedish National Audit Office, seventy-one auditors from thirty-nine countries participated in the Congress. The theme of the Congress was "experimental culture", with a focus on young auditors who will represent fundamental capacity of institution’s audit work in the future. 
During the first day of the Congress, six parallel workshops were held with the following topics: practicing feedback; hierarchies and masterful suppression techniques; managing stress at work; the future work environment; experimentation with sustainability and internal communication in crisis situations presented by our representatives of the State Audit Office. Later on, SAIs of Finland, Slovenia and Switzerland shared their views on how to support new and young employees in SAIs.
The second day of the Congress was about new methods, experimental approach, how data analysis can be used and how new technology can help in rationalizing the audit. Ten parallel workshops were held with the following topics: data analysis in financial auditing; application of tools for interactive visualization in the auditing process; experimental methods and approaches to efficiency auditing; how will we audit in the future; a new public procurement framework and the adaptation of SAIs to innovative working methods; auditing crisis management, obstacles of inovation and how to deal with them; how Datalab improves the auditing profession; hitchhiker's guide through international comparison; between knowledge and contrast; and the role of the SAI in combating irregularities and fraud in EU funds. The international comparisons that were made during the workshops illustrated the various challenges that SAIs confront. The workshops provided inspiration and insights on how to act and were organized in order to exchange knowledge, experiences and information between the participants in order to learn from the best examples and practices.
Participating at Young EUROSAI (YES) Congress, Stockholm

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